Empowering The Body of Christ In Unity
1001 Webster Street
San Francisco, CA

Join FUMBC in these Upcoming Events​​​​​
​​March 7th @ 12PM-3PM
First Union Usher Ministry Dinner Sale $25 dollars Fried Catfish or Snapper dinner $20 Fried or Baked Chicken dinner with sides Green Beans, Potato Salad, Bread, Cake & Water please contact 415-608-2448 for all orders.
March 15th @ 12PM
Leadership Meeting here at the church all auxiliary leaders are requested to be present.
March 16th following Service 3PM
FUMBC will fellowship w/ Changing Lives Christian Ministry 3750 San Pablo Dam Rd. El Sobrante, CA 94803
Pastor Kenneth Bonner's 27th Year Appreciation Service
March 22nd @ 9:30AM
Outreach Ministry will be going out into the
community. Please contact Deacon Washington for
more information
March 30th @ 10:30AM
Mission Sunday- Missions will have a guest speaker Min. Tanisha Henry from Destiny Christian Fellowship. Servant Leader Evangelist Carolyn Jackson.
Volunteer, Participate, or Donate
Brotherhood Tuesday
Call in 5:45pm Start 6pm
Bible Study Wednesday
Join in 11:45am Start 12noon
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 3937 6634
Passcode: 521939
Call: 1(669)900-6833
3rd Wednesday Cooperate Prayer
Call in 11:45 Start 12noon
Sunday School
Call in 8:45am Start 9am
10am Morning Worship
Conference Call # (no code needed)
Sprint, T-mobile, Metro
(206) 451-6012, then input the following when prompted: 425/436-6349 Passcode: 781407#
Also 2nd back-up #
(209) 399-9060
To mute/unmute press *6
(Note: Please Do Not Announce Yourself after the service has started just mute as you come in to not disrupt the service.)
Morning Worship
Sunday School 9-10am
Morning Wordship 10:30am
Join Us Virtually
Facebook Live
Meeting ID: 843 5869 6449
Passcode: 405411
Call: 1 (669) 900-6833